
Linda Kuster 
Founder of Trendique, always seeking for new challenges, is a student in Media & Entertainment Management and a talented trend watcher. She sees endless possibilities for improvement in almost everything. Therefore, analyzing markets and consumer behavior is something she finds very interesting. To travel around the globe is her greatest passion, because it inspires her and stimulates her creativity.

Celine Nieuwenhuizen 

Head of Marketing, is a student at the University of The Hague. She is a first year student in Media & Entertainment Management and she likes challenges. Being a marketer in the trend watching scene is a very important and challenging job. She thinks it is cool to be active in the trend watching business because there are so many factors that have influences on trends. Marketing is a very important aspect in the trend watching world because not only looking for new trends is our job but also to introduce it into the market. 

Sander Theeboom

Creative Director, is a creative and energetic guy, that wants to live his life to the fullest. His hobbies are playing tennis, going on vacations and celebrating. As a trendwatcher at Trendique, he always tries to see what is coming next and to work with that.
Sander feels very involved with his environment and wants to have the most positive influence to it. This can mean in a way of your social interaction or in a way of fashion.
At Trendique, his job entails overseeing all aspects of the product design, and to be completely involved. This means branding and advertising and trying to find the right fitting for the desired image that is wanted.
Ultimately, Sander is responsible for the quality of the final creative work. This responsibility is something he feels very comfortable with, because he feels comfortable with his skills.

Kelly Heij 

Editor and Trend Analyst, is very punctual and precise in her work. She has been editing for a long time now, and developed some good skills. Next to her punctuality she also has a flexible attitude, which can be useful being an editor. This requires some patience, because situations can change easily.
Kelly also loves to work with people, and is always motivated to bring a piece to perfection. You can really build on her, and trust the rest of Trendique to be as complete as can be.

Milan Ueffing 

Director of Techonology. His role includes the coordination of every technical aspect that comes with the trend watcher line of work, e.g. working with the various engineering/art programs such as In-Design, Photoshop and Adobe.
His personal specialization is with film, though he has various professional and other contacts that, together, cover every program from Word to Flash. His aim is to learn and grow a lot more with our team at Trendique.
A new aspect he will be working on is the concept development, though he has worked as a Creative Manager for other teams this term before, which were all positive experiences. Therefore the creative thinking and coming up with creative solutions is not new for him.
He is looking forward to working with this great team, and is positive that we as a team will get the best results possible. Our focus will be towards the future, and the trends of tomorrow.
