Present Trends

Health - Linda

Health is becoming a bigger issue each day. Even the government is working on it (e.g. when they introduced the smoking ban).

Obesities was thought to be not that big a problem in The Netherlands, until the diseases that comes with it, became the number one cause of death. These statistics created awareness under the Dutch population. Nowadays, improving your health seems like the normal thing to do.
It improves your image as well. When your health is good, you look good. Natural foods of before were seen as dull, not tasty. 
Natural foods of today, are different. They taste good, they look good and more important, they make YOU look good. Now it is cool to be seen with a water bottle instead of a Coca Cola can and to eat vegetables snacks instead of a package of crisps. 

Communicate - Celine

Technology is increasing every minute, expanding in a plural stagnation. The internet is a good example of a technology which will soon take over every branch of communication, which is a very important maxi trend. Communicating with your friends, family and other people from all over the world is very important. People find it normal to talk to someone who lives 1000 km away from you and you do not even notice that because the connection is so fast.

Taking use of social networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook are very popular under all kinds of different people. Following your favourite artist or your friends and family to keep connected with each other. Become up to date and get to know all the ins and outs of your friends. Though I thought of focusing on one social network (or internet form of communication) in particular, but instead I chose to name the entire micro trend because of its importance. Social networking works for everyone because it is interesting, it keeps you connected and it gives you an opportunity of a lifetime to get to know your favourite artists.

Men care more about the looks - Sander

Appearances have become more important all over the world. Not only the women go on shopping sprees nowadays, also the men do so. There are many more men clothing possibilities, because of the rise of many brands and stores. There also are facial products, all sorts of hair gel, hundreds sorts of perfume, and many more that used to be ‘’just for the females’’.

This transition has started because the women wanted to have their men look more sophisticated and clean, but now it is also a desire of a man to look good. The boundary between female and male is becoming less every decade.


Safety - Milan

It has been said that a nuclear holocaust is more likely now then ever before. During the Cold War the power was balanced, and the continues stacking of new atomic weapons led to the simple fact that if one Superpower would fire its weapons, the other would simply follow.   

However, America and the USSR are not the only superpowers any more and, more importantly, the reckless disposal of nuclear waste has led to a situation in which a terrorist group could easily create its own atomic weapon.

Following this mega-trend of Nuclear threath is the safty that we all look for and recuire. Just think of the recent top of most UN members, who discussed the global disarmament of atomic weapons and issued a more careful place of disposal of their (extremely) dangerous waste.  

Environment - Kelly

These days everyone is aware of the environment and what it does to the world. Everything needs to be green and justified. Big world leaders are paying a lot of attention to the environment.

Sustainability is a familiar term when it comes to the environment. A lot of products are produced in a way they are sustainable. The longer the products lasts the better. Most of the time these products are more expensive, but companies try to convince us that they last longer and are better for the environment.

Due to sustainablity products are produced in a way they are easily recycable. This way they will last longer and that benefits the environment. To get people aware of the fact that most products can be recycled governments start all sorts of campaigns. This way the consumer knows what to do with the product when the function of the it is done.